Just go to their site because inventory changes periodically. Good web site with lots of great parts and info.
I heard they were the best for parts so I searched their website and found a body and neck that would be perfect for my project.
I was disappointed to have finish cracking and chipping on both the neck and body that I bought. I taped the neck to perform some fret work. I used 3M Blue Painter's Tape for Delicate Surfaces to tape off the neck. I left the tape on overnight as I was unable to finish the fret work in one day. When I removed the tape the next day, to my dismay, the finish had peeled off between the 5th and 7th frets. Just a small piece came off.
On the body the finish chipped off at the input jack hole. I had to widen the hole to fit the input jack cover due to the finish being sprayed inside the hole. It appeared that my sanding "broke" the bond of the finish on the body at the hole and most of it chipped free. I tried to repair it - a bit hastily - at least most of the input jack cover hides the damage - and most folks don't look at that part of the body anyway.
I had the same "finish chipping" experience when widening the holes for the string ferrules. Fortunately that chipping was minimal and covered by the lip of the string ferrules. I must admit that I was quite disappointed and frustrated to have that happen on a neck costing over $250 and a body costing $450. I would have expected the finish to not chip off like it did.
My other complaint is that I opted for 2nd day delivery and my packages came 8 days later. I called Warmoth and complained; to no avail at first, but eventually I worked things out with the Sales Manager.